Does Your Business Function This Way?

The purpose of business is to create a customer. I think we can all agree on this statement. It was a famous statement made by the late Peter Drucker who was known as the founder of modern management for business.  But this was just part of the statement.  The rest of the statement said that “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two–and only two–basic functions: Marketing and innovation.

This highlights two things; the first is that you must innovate your business. Simply make it better than your competitors in a way that they cannot compete with.  This doesn’t mean just saying you are better, or you care, or you give better service, or you are professional, or honest, or whatever.  These type of statements sound like everyone else making you invisible.  You must not only be unique and different, but be able to prove it in a way that your competition is not only excluded from your statements, but cannot even say what you say.  And second, once you truly innovate your business you must be able to tell the world about it leveraging mediums to multiply that message, hence the marketing part of the statement.

He finally said that “Marketing and innovation produce results; all the rest are costs. Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.” Did you get that? I know it is a simple statement, but I don’t want you to miss this crucial identifying point.  Marketing and Innovation produce results, all the rest are costs.  It is absolutely amazing how many business owners I speak with who are so confused that they think that marketing… is a cost. When in reality, “Marketing is the distinguishing, unique function of the business.”  It’s no wonder that so many businesses are struggling today because they have it 180 degrees backwards.  If your business is struggling, I challenge you right now to ask yourself this question. Do I view marketing as a cost… or as the actual distinguishing, unique function of my business?”

Your view of this statement today will actually determine the future of your business from this point on.  Until you change your mindset about marketing being a cost rather than what it really is… “The distinguishing, unique function of your business,” your business will continue to struggle and ultimately fail. That’s it, from this moment forward; you can’t say that you didn’t know. But the real test is what are you going to do about it?  If you have listened to the Total Dominance Marketing program, then you have a blueprint for the fastest and easiest way to market and grow your business, bar none. If you haven’t listened, call me today to get a copy.  If you are truly honest with yourself… you will realize that every highly successful business realizes that marketing IS the distinguishing, unique function of their business.”

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